Writing Software For Mac

2020. 2. 10. 11:02카테고리 없음

Writing a story that will inspire people starts with two things: a book outline and the best writing software. To make writing your next story fun, entertaining, and interesting, you should look beyond Microsoft Office Word by choosing the best book writing software for your project.

There are many reasons why most writers prefer a Mac over a PC. The prominent one is this: compared with any platform, Mac app store has more writing apps. These apps offer a non-distinctive writing environment, writing-oriented features and support — which you can’t find in Pages or Many writers will tell you that the text editor are not important, and you should just write. Although, this could be true for some people, I don’t believe in it. Text editors really help to get best out of you.

For example, with Scrivener you can keep a track of character development, while Vellum is the best choice for exporting eBooks. You can’t find these advance options in basic text editors like Word or Google drive. The past week, we have been trying out the best writing apps for Mac, from every possible category. Below, we have the ultimate showdown of these apps, based on what they offer and what they don’t. After reading this article, you will have an idea which writing app you should use on your Mac. We have tried almost every sort of writing app, so that you will have the best choices for casual writing and a better one for fiction.

Read: Best Writing App for Mac #1 Ulysses Ulysses is not an alternative to Word or Pages, however, if you need a simple writing app with support for markdown and seamless editing, you can count on Ulysses. Design & USP As far as the design is concerned, Ulysses is quite minimal. There aren’t any toolbars or button-rich sidebars. That having said, you can access basic formatting options from the writing interface.

Probably the best thing about Ulysses is project management and content organization. From its Attachment tab, you can add labels, insert images and even set up a Writing Goal. Workflow & Exporting The overall workflow of Ulysses for Mac is impressive enough. All the features are arranged in a distraction-less manner.

In addition to that, the full-screen mode brings absolute freedom for writing. Ulysses also does a great job when it comes to Publishing section. You can always export to formats like PDF, DOCX, HTML and Text.

In addition to that, you can connect your WordPress and Medium accounts for direct publishing. Backups & Security The program also takes care of timely backups for your writings.

There are options for hourly, daily & weekly backup options you can explore. In addition, there is iTunes sync to make sure that you don’t lose writings due to sudden shut-downs or crashes. However, it’s worth noting that Ulysses is pretty stable and you won’t have to worry about crashes. Availability & Pricing Ulysses is available for macOS and iOS, with cross-device sync. You can access anything you write on a Mac from your iPhone or iPad. While there is no free version, all versions offer 14-day Free Trial.

In the iOS version of Ulysses, you miss some features like Minimal Mode. Ulysses has a subscription model, priced at $4.99 per month. You can pay annually to save some money too.

It’s also available via Setapp. #2 iA Writer iA Writer is a wonderful choice when you are looking for an ultra-minimal writing app for Mac. Compared to Ulysses or any other app in the list, iA Writer has kept the minimum number of advanced features. On the other hand, it focuses on writer-centric options like syntax highlighting and easy formatting. Design & USP If minimalism is a throne, iA Writer will be its king. Everything has been kept so minimal, and users can have the sidebar removed. Of course, there is a full-screen mode, which provides better focus.

You can also shift to a Night Mode, where everything becomes dark. The best thing about iA Writer is that you can stay focused all the time, highlighting only the things you want.

Workflow & Exporting It feels really easy to blend into the workspace offered by iA Writer. All your writings can be accessed from the sidebar, and the writing interface is big-enough. Although not comparable with Ulysses, iA Writer offers standard customization options too. Coming to publishing and exporting, Ulysses and iA Writer are on the same boat. You can directly publish to Medium or WordPress, or export files to PDF, DOC, TXT etc.

Backups & Security All the writings are automatically saved to and synced with iCloud. Still, iA Writer allows you choose other library locations as well. However, unlike Ulysses, iA Writer does not offer customizable backup options. It’s just that all your writings will be synced with iTunes on a regular basis. It is actually great since iA Writer has apps available for Android and iOS. Availability & Pricing iA Writer is available for Mac, Windows, Android and iOS, offering almost the same features everywhere. Of course, you won’t have iTunes sync in Windows and Android devices.

But, you can access all your writings via your iPhone or iPad. IA Writer Pro for Mac costs $19.99 while the iOS version has a price-tag of $4.99. It, however, offers a free trial for all the platforms. #3 Manuscripts Unlike Ulysses and iA Writer, Manuscripts is a writing app with a specific purpose — scholarly writing. It lets you simplify a Herculean task of following the formatting style, keeping track of references and lots of other things.

Of course, you can use Manuscripts for writing blog posts and normal fiction content, but it has the best performance when it comes to a Dissertation or Research Paper. Design & USP Manuscripts has a fully-fledged interface, which is a requirement when it comes to scholarly writing. You will have access to the basic toolbars on top, and the sidebar helps for easy navigation. The USP here is simple: Manuscripts has been designed exclusively for academic writing and the job is done neatly.

You can choose from popular templates and set up preferences even before you start writing. Workflow & Exporting If you are an academic scholar, you will really love the workflow offered by Manuscripts. Things are simple, but organized from the very start. For instance, before writing, you can choose the Citation style, word count limits etc. Manuscripts lets you export the academic writings into formats like PDF, Word, Text, HTML and more.

Backup & Security This is where Manuscripts disappoints most users. In both of the tools we mentioned above, there was support for iCloud Sync or third-party backup. However, Manuscripts does not offer any kind of backup options. In case of sudden crashes, your data will be lost, which is a problem. Since the app isn’t available for any other platform, there is no room multi-device access either. Availability & Pricing Manuscripts is available for macOS only and it’s a completely free to use.

If you ask us, Manuscripts has been designed for research enthusiasts and academic writers. There is a powerful community of writers behind this tool, which is great. The developers also say that Manuscripts will be made open-source in 2018. At the end of the day, no matter how much you use, you’ve to pay nothing.

#4 Scrivener Scrivener is the perfect tool if you are looking for professional writing solutions. It has been made to write both fiction and non-fiction. But, most people use Scrivener for writing novels, screenplays and scripts. You can simply choose the template and start writing with this app.

This tool does not rely on minimalism or the focused writing. Rather, its focus is on productivity. Read:. Design & USP Scrivener was not designed with simplicity in mind.

On the other hand, it has a design suitable to help you create a novel, from scratch to publishing. Depending on the type of writing, you can have more templates and control over content. The best part about Scrivener is that it has tools for keeping track of characters and scenes without having to go back and read. Workflow & Exporting In terms of workflow, we’d say Scrivener is more like Manuscript.

You can start a document by choosing one template and make changes to that in the long run. When it comes to exporting, Scrivener has a lot of options — apart from common formats like Word and PDF. You can also export your novel into a Kindle eBook or an ePub-based eBook. Backup & Security Scrivener has dedicated options for backup, synchronization and overall security of your writings.

Book writing software for mac

You can set up sync between an external storage drive or your mobile device. It will be using Dropbox for sync, which is great. It also has Auto-Save feature so that crashes won’t be a problem. Altogether, the security aspect of Scrivener is impressive enough.

Availability & Pricing This is the big deal: Scrivener is available for macOS, Windows and iOS. You can have your writings available on all these devices.

As far as the pricing is concerned, Scrivener costs $45 for the Standard macOS license. You have to purchase separate licenses for Windows and iOS. However, on Windows and Mac, you can try the software for 30 days before finalizing.

The cool thing is that it’s 30 days of actual use, meaning, if you use it only two days a week, it lasts fifteen weeks. #5 Notebooks Notebooks does exactly what you would expect from its name.

You can use this writing tool to create many notebooks and store all your notes inside. It’s a great way to organize notes and journals.

Compared to Ulysses, Scrivener or any other tools we’ve covered, Notebooks does not have a minimal UI. There are a lot of features to check out, in organization department, though. Design & USP Although not minimal, Notebooks has a non-distractive design.

There is a sidebar on the left, where you can manage notebooks and other files. While starting up, you can choose a central Library folder. The USP here is that you have better organization of your documents, be it PDFs, Excel files or something else. This is truly a great feature when you are preparing some serious notes.

Workflow & Exporting The writing interface of Notebooks resembles a notebook, with proper ruling. Once written, you can turn to the Formatted View mode to see how the document looks like.

The lack of customization is a problem here, though. By default, Notebooks writings are saved as plain text, but you can export to many formats like PDF. Unlike Ulysses or iA Writer, Notebooks does not offer publishing integration. Read: Best Note Taking Apps for and. Backup & Security Like all other tools above, Notebooks too has auto-save feature, but the program does not backup anything. It’s really a problem, since you have to rely on local storage only.

It’s quite disappointing that the developers have not included iCloud sync, especially when its iOS version has it. As far as syncing goes, you have to use Notebooks Server, which is a custom WebDAV server for syncing between Mac and iOS. Availability & Pricing Notebooks is available for macOS, iOS and Windows. As mentioned earlier, iOS and macOS can sync writings using the Notebooks server, while Windows users have to rely on Dropbox. Notebooks for Mac comes with a fixed price-tag of $19, and they have some deals if you purchase both Windows and Mac. On all versions, there is a 30-day trial. #6 ProWritingAid ProWritingAid says it can be your writing coach and mentor.

We think that’s possible only when you have to stay strict to grammar, syntax, diction and style. At the same time, it doesn’t become an alternative to Word or Pages either.

But, when you need a kind of simple writing app with grammar-check support, you can count it in. Design & USP Do you remember the design of the old versions of Microsoft Word? Well, ProWritingAid pretty much does the same.

There is a toolbar with all the options, and you can click on one to see the details on the sidebar. Coming to the USP, it’s the fully-fledged options for editing, proofreading and grammar-check.

ProWritingAid can also check aspects like diction, style, readability and more. Workflow & Exporting ProWritingAid offers the standard workflow compared to other options. Apart from the toolbar on the top, there isn’t anything to distract you. However, features like Focus Mode would have been awesome, since the app doesn’t offer real-time editing. It gets even worse in the exporting department.

You can save your writings only as TXT files, not even PDF. Backup & Security Once again, ProWritingAid keeps its mediocrity.

Of course, you can take manual backups all your works in the local storage. There aren’t any other options, not even multi-device sync. At this point, ProWritingAid is one of the worst editing tools you can get. Of course, there is an Auto-save option, but the minimum interval time is 1 minute. Availability & Pricing ProWritingAid is primarily web-based and the single subscription gives you access to Mac, Windows apps as well as popular writing tools like Word and Google Docs. The subscription costs $50 a year, and the lifetime plan priced at $175.

There is also a Premium Plus plan where you get Plagiarism check. However, for this, it charges something extra, based on the checks you need. #7 Vellum Vellum is a wonderful Mac writing app for writing books — full-length books with multiple chapters. It does not matter whether you are publishing print or digital, you can count in Vellum. Don’t even think about using the program for blog writing or research paper writing, though. What matters is that it packs superb stability along with minimal design. Design & USP Despite the wonderful features under the hood, Vellum has kept everything minimal.

Customization is not a strong area of the tool, but you can manage. If you don’t need the Preview and Navigator while writing, you can have a rather simple writing interface too.

The best thing about Vellum is that it packs everything you’d need from the start to the end of the book you’re writing. Workflow and Exporting This might sound a bit weird: even if you don’t like to write a book, Vellum will make that awesome. Its easy workflow is so cool that you can start writing in the first step. You can also choose from different templates for Chapter Title, First Paragraph, Captions etc. Coming to exporting section, Vellum lets you save the file to Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo and Android. You can also export it to print.

Backup & Security Vellum does not offer any feature in this department. The bigger problem here is that it does not even have auto-save functionality. To be frank, this is the only area where Vellum disappoints users. If anything happens to your Mac, your unsaved data will be lost. We really wish Vellum does something here.

Availability & Pricing As of now, Vellum is available for macOS only. Concerning the price, things are a bit detailed. While Vellum is completely free to download and use, you need the premium license to generate books, in any format. In that case, you have two options.

There is a plan for $249.99 that lets you create unlimited eBooks as well as paperbacks. Its $199.99 plan lets you create unlimited eBooks only. Wrapping Up: Best Writing App for Mac Now that you have seen the ultimate showdown of writing apps for Mac, it’s time to decide. It’s quite hard to find the so-called best one from this list. But, we can recommend some quick options.

Go for Ulysses if you need a simple tool with publishing integration. Scrivener is your choice when you need more control over professional writing. Manuscripts works best for research writing; so does Notebooks for journals. Vellum is the best choice for writing and exporting eBooks And, if you can compromise better control and features for grammar check, ProWritingAid is good too. This is what we think, and we are eager to know your opinion about these tools.

Are you into script writing and the media world? As a simple word processor is unable to fulfill your requirements and so the screen writing software is of great help. This software allows an error free script writing and also helps you to concentrate only on writing rather than on formatting. The market is full of such paid software, but it is really difficult for the struggling writers to invest in such expensive ones. To take away your woes, below given is a list of few free screenwriting software Mac along with some low cost software. Part 1 1 –Montage Features and Functions: This free screenwriting software Macorganize all components of your story and helps you to frame out your movie ideas.

It is an exclusive software that helps to manage, create and edit screenplays on Mac. It is an amalgamation of simple user interface and powerful intuitive features. Pros: It is a great guide to both the first time screenwriter as well as the seasoned one.

It is user friendly and you hardly need any previous experience to use it. The Free service makes it a great option for the struggling and aspiring writers. Assists in importing and exporting final draft document. Has a powerful interface. There is no option for timeline view. Tracking the changes in your script is not possible.

Do not offer an option of full screen or split screen. The User Review/Comment: 1.“The main advantage I see of using Montage over other software packages I’ve looked at is its simplicity and ease of use, focused on the writer. It opens quickly, has an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn interface, and at the same time has nearly all the features you’d actually need or use from more complicated and expensive programs.” 2. “Puts Final Draft to shame. “Sure Final Draft is the industry standard but why spend hundreds when Montage does the trick? I can export my work to Final Draft in the end anyway.” Screenshot.

Part 2 2 – Adobe Story Features and Functions: This free screenwriting software Maccan be easily accessed if you have i-tunes account. It assists you to write screenplays quickly. As it is a part of Abode Creative Cloud, it helps to run the production completely from planning to post-production. Pros: It is free for i-tunes account holder. You can access your scripts on your i-phone. You can get the notification for the changes that are made in your shared script.

Cons: Only free and beneficial for the i-tune account holder. The features offered are not so advanced. Importing is not perfect.

User Review/Comment: 1.“Keep your eye on Adobe Story as it matures into a polished application and is integrated with the Adobe Production bundle.”Screenshot. Part 3 3 – Storyist Features and Functions: This screenwriting software Mac manages all the pieces of your story. It also allows to format the manuscript and screenplays. It allows you to connect in between sections so that the plot is well tied up and also helps to add specific elements. Pros: Offers you a storyboard that can be used to get a complete different perspective of your script.

It handles every piece of the story. Even customization of your manuscript is allowed. Cons: It is a developing software. It does not have enough templates. The trial version is only free. User Review/Comment: 1.

“I've written three novels for Putnam's, each using the Mac version of Storyist. I'm currently traveling in Europe and am just now putting the finishing touches on the book that will be published in September. I'm using the Storyist app for my iPad Mini and it's sensational. A real godsend.” 2.

“Storyist, for me, was more fun to use than any of the other novel/screenplay creation tools. Because of that intangible feeling of using a thoughtful, finely crafted tool, the scope of the features, and the (available) printed manual, I'm rating Storyist one notch above all the rest.” 3. 'Storyist is a combination powerful word processor and outlining program that features the kind of intuitive, easy-to-use interface that has made Apple a favorite among creative people. But more important, it's remarkable in its functionality for real-world writing.' Part 4 4 – Slugline Features and Functions: Slugline software works with the motto of “simply screenwriting” It automatically formats your words based on the Hollywood standards.

The actual words that are typed are saved in plain text through Fountain markdown language. Pros It is focused on the written word and so helps you to concentrate on writing and present a submission quality screenplay. It has the things that every writer needs: integrated outlining, full-screen mode and pervasive sense of calm.

You hardly need to navigate through menus but still the software does everything from changing the format to adding new section in your outline. Cons: The trial version is only free. Lacks various production features. The interface is just a blank page with a cursor blinking. User Review/Comment: 1.

“Slugline is exactly what I want in a screenwriting app: simple enough to let me focus on the words, smart enough to know where those words should go.” 2. “.the ideal writing app for screenwriters. You'd be crazy not to get it.” 3.

“I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Slugline! I have never had such an easy time writing (and on-the-fly rewriting) a script.” 4. “Slugline wins the battle of affordable Mac-based screenwriting software vs. These two titans of the industry.” http://slugline.co/about/.

Part 5 5 – Contour Features and Functions: This screenwriting software Macis a story development system which streamlines the system of developing initial movie ideas to a full outline. It assists you to write a script and never leaves you in a doubt as it guide you through the steps.

It uses fill-in-the –blanks and intuitive approach and shows what exactly is needed to write a script. Pros: It has an acute understanding of the story structure. It is lightweight but has all the features to handle the writing of the screenplay. It helps you to know the technique of using same character-based structure used in blockbuster movies. Cons: The trial version is only free for 30 days. The boxed and downloaded edition for Mac comes at $39.95.

User Review/Comment: 1. “an acute understanding of the kind of story structure that makes for successful movies. By analyzing blockbusters he extrapolates a story construction model that is surprisingly simple and universally applicable.

And, best of all, it works.” 2. “Contour is a good aid in developing the stories for my scripts. “Contour helps remove the clutter and makes what is important come into sharp focus.

It is an invaluable tool in making you make your characters and their journey live in the film and take the audience with them on their journey.” 4. “Fantastic app for story ideas. I started off by using Contour on my iPhone.

It was a good test to see if I wanted to expand it to my laptop. Contour really helps you break down your story ideas and organize them into a solid executive summary. I am writing a novel and the structure Contour provides helps me push new ideas to paper quickly.” Screenshot.

Part 6 6 –Movie Outline Features and Functions: It is tailored only for screenwriting as it helps you to concentrate on writing. It easily handles the formatting through handy keyboard shortcuts and auto complete. It automatically paginates your writeup to industry standard. Pros: It guesses the name of the characters as you go typing dialogues and also suggest a scene transition and heading. It helps to plan your story and rewrite it.

It is user friendly and suits the novice as well as professional ones. Cons: The screenwriting software Macis free, but many features are disabled in the free version. The upgraded version is on the expensive side. User Review/Comment: 1.' As a previous dyed-in-the-wool lover of Final Draft, you need to know, I LOVE Movie Outline and will never go back!

I have tried every software application imaginable in quest of 'the perfect way to write a movie' and when I put Movie Outline on my Mac I came to the end of the rainbow. I have never written so fast, so intuitively or felt in such complete control of the dynamic flow of ideas.' 'The name doesn't do this program justice! This is the most complete package I've seen for the screenwriter in one application from outline to final draft, including character development tools, color- coded step cards, and my favorite, the FeelFactor tool. I recommend this program to all scribes from novice to professional.'


Celtx Features and Functions: This free screenwriting software Mac is the most tailored and lightweight screen app to give you the maximum writing pleasure. It is full of scriptwriting feature and also has media rich production support.The editing tools are very strong. Pros It helps to create all kinds of media. It is a free alternative to FinalDraft. It breaks down your script according to the need. Cons: The online collaboration features that the software promises are not very clear. It is supported by too much ads.

Sometimes gets slow. User Review/Comment: 1.“This program I find is mostly free with a lot of freedom in that area to do a lot that one might feel that the add-ons or expansions feel more like donations than actually paying. This program is easy to get into and start using right away.” 2.“A friend and I are using this program for writing the script and stuff for the movie that we are making. I also know at least one other friend that has been using it for quite some time to make movie scripts.

It works very well.” 3. Celtx could easily be a very popular software with just a few things:Increase the novel functionality to be on par with that in Scrivener. Celtx's character templates are WAY better than Scrivener's and there are other things I liked more in Celtx (can't remember them now).” Screenshot. ScriptBuddy Features and Functions: script Buddy is web based screen writing software. You need not install any software, but just need internet. It uses all the industry standard formatting rules for screenplay. Pros Provides proper page break placement along with margins and indentations.

Helps to publish your script online to have a review. In this software, you get a script coverage for free. Cons: You need internet to use it. Though it is not free screenwriting software Macbut comes at a minimal charge.

Password facility creates problem at times. User Review/Comment: 1 'And once I started writing this script in scriptBuddy and saw the difference between writing a novel and a script, I was just like wow, this is what I was meant to do. There's not a doubt in my mind.

I've never felt so contented doing something in my life than when I'm in front of that computer writing a script.' Storytouch Features and Functions: This free screenwriting software Mactakes away the chaos of a screen writer’s mind and organizes the ideas. It is a complete software for dramatic creation. It balances the occurrences of characters with ease. Pros Outstanding software at zero cost. You can easily track the evolution of your characters.

You can view all the items together on the same screen which helps to understand the structural connections. Cons: It is almost a perfect software but sometimes is not 100% perfect in formatting. It is unstable at times when in use. User Review/Comment: 1. “Story Touch gives screenwriters a clear notion of the excess fat, or level of sugar, salt or hormones in their story. Being able to graphically visualize the complete script on one page will certainly reveal many aspects up to then hidden to the author.”Screenshot.

Highland Features and Functions: Highland is perfect screenwriting software for everyone. Highland makes the formatting very easy and painless.

IT comes with a courier print font which makes your screenplay beautiful. Pros It creates perfectly formatted PDFs from FDX files and Fountain. It melt screenplay PDF making it editable again. It offers a distraction free screenwriting. Cons: It cannot process certain kinds of font. It cannot import starred revisions and A/B pages. Many advanced options are missing in this software.

Music Writing Software For Mac

User Review/Comment: 1. “Certainly for those in the film industry, this app is more than worth its price.”2. “Highland is a minimalist, wonderful screenplay tool.”Sreenshot.